Toy money for playing «Shop» – Animals and Fruits


Author of the game – © Маргарита Барильская

The set includes 3 A4 sheets for SELF-printing.

What is the game set «Toy Money» aimed at?:

Children love to play «Shopping» and other money and shopping games. If you want your child to be able to handle money responsibly and wisely over time, he should have as many of these games as possible.

This set will help you organize and conduct such games, which includes: toy banknotes and coins for entertaining and educational games for financial literacy.

The play set will help the child develop financial literacy, imagination, and communication. And also to understand the value of money, to learn to distinguish the denominations of banknotes and coins, to differentiate them by value. Introduces the concepts of absolute and relative value (more expensive, cheaper).

While playing in the «Shop», the child will learn to count in his head, quickly separate the required number of coins and bills to pay for goods at the checkout. And also determine if the seller gave the change correctly. The game trains logical thinking, attentiveness and reaction speed.

For the «Shop» board game, you will need not only toy money, but also cards with images of the goods themselves.

You can find the required templates on our website:

✅ Didactic game «Магазин продуктов»

✅Velcro Game «Магазин обуви»

✅Velcro Game «Разложи продукты»

✅Compilation of games  «Развивающее лото»

How to play and make the game? you can find out in the description.

How do I download and pay for games? you can find out by clicking here.

Play and develop with pleasure with!



Правила игры и инструкция по изготовлению

How to play?

To begin with, children need to come up with a game in which they will use coins or paper money. For example, it can be a game at the grocery or clothing store, or a game of bank.

Then you need to assign roles. For example, between a buyer and a seller (if you play in a store) or between a bank employee and a visitor (if you have chosen to play the bank).

You can come up with several options for playing the store, which will help the child feel like on the side of the buyer and the seller.

Additional visual material is required for the game. Any pictures or cards depicting a particular product will do.

1) Didactic game «Buy a product». Lay out product cards and price tags for them in front of the child.

Ask him to buy everything from the cheapest to the most expensive. The child must independently select the required number of bills

and coins and pay for the purchase without change.

2) Didactic game «Buy everything».

Take some product cards (first 2, then 3, and finally 4). Match each card with the required number of bills and coins to pay for goods without change. Then shuffle the money and put it in one pile. The child’s task is to correctly distribute the bills and coins on the product cards so that you can buy all of them, paying for each individual purchase without change.

3) Didactic game «Sell the goods». Divide all the money in two so that the child retains most of the money. Place the product cards on the table. In this game, the child acts as a seller: buy goods from him, giving amounts in excess of the price tag, so that the child gives you change.

4) Didactic game «Buy and sell».

Divide all the money in two so that the child retains most of the money. Place the product cards on the table – half for yourself, half for the child. Take turns buying cards from each other. Try to give amounts in excess of the price tag so that the child gives you change.

How to make a game?

Print materials on thick photo paper. Laminate for durability and reusability.